WLed MoonModule reset itself

I recently downloaded the MoonModule WLED 0.14 for the very precise audio reactive.
I’m working with 5V batteries but I have one problem, it seems to reset all parameters when the batterie is empty (under 4V).
I see there is a reset after 14boot maybe it’s the problem ?
If yes how to remove this reset setting ?

Thanks in advance and have a nice day :slight_smile:

For information WLed 0.13 is working good, no problem of reset

Not sure what does " reset all parameters " mean if that is same as factory reset or something else ? and not clear on the build version you have . I did not notice such issue on latest complied today .Make sure you compile latest code for AC or MM or use the site here to OTA or usb the same . Also there is a battery usermod so also try that to figure our what is going on WLED installation (wled-install.github.io)