Edit factory defaults with custom firmware

Does anyone know how to edit the firmware so that the factory defaults are different?
I’m using an ESP32 and would like to edit both the audio reactive and non-audio reactive ver of WLED with different defaults.

You can compile firmware yourself with different flags.

This might help you: https://wled-compile.github.io/

Thank you Jink,
I got the below when I entered LED GPIO 2output and Relay GPIO 12. That’s 2 of my goals.
The other 2 goals wanted was:

  1. Set a LED channel 2 to a GPIO 4, with LED count to 1.
  2. Activate a particular effect on boot.
    Is there anyway to edit the below code manually to do those things?
extends = env:nodemcuv2
build_flags = ${env:nodemcuv2.build_flags} -D LEDPIN=2 -D RLYPIN=12```

Hello everyone,
I’m also trying to figure out how to have the audio reactive enabled by default.
any help would be apperciated!