Help Needed - ESP8266 Random Reboots and WS2812B Flickering Issue

Hello fellow forum members,

I hope this message finds you well.
I’m reaching out to seek assistance with a perplexing issue I’ve encountered while working on a project involving WS2812B LEDs and an ESP8266 NodeMCU.

Issue Description:
The problem I’m experiencing is twofold:

  • Random Reboots: My ESP8266 NodeMCU board seems to reboot randomly, without any apparent trigger or pattern. This is problematic as it disrupts the operation of my project.

  • WS2812B Flickering: Additionally, I’ve noticed intermittent flickering in the WS2812B LED strip that’s connected to the NodeMCU. This flickering occurs unpredictably and affects the overall aesthetics of my project.


  • WS2812B LED strip.
  • Mean Well 5V 8A power supply.
  • ESP8266 NodeMCU.

Unfortunately I’m unable to provide specific steps to reproduce these issues as they occur seemingly at random intervals.

Additional Information:

  • The NodeMCU runs on the latest firmware. (B6)

Workarounds Attempted:
I’ve attempted various workarounds, such as checking power supply voltage, checking wiring connections but none have resolved the random reboots or LED flickering.

I’m hoping that someone in this community might have encountered similar issues or has expertise in troubleshooting ESP8266 and WS2812B setups. Any guidance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards,

If you don’t have a level shifter I would add one and see if that helps. Other Hardware - WLED Project

I’ll 2nd the suggestion on a proper levelshifter.

The other troubleshooting technique is to isolate the ESP8266 on its own dedicated 5V supply.
I’m suggesting something like a 5V/2A “wall brick” or USB adapter or some variant.
That will give you guaranteed power to the ESP8266.

Do not connect the ESP8266 power lines to the strip, but you will need a ground and data connection to your levelshifter/strip.

What level shifter should I use?

Using a separate power supply for the ESP8266 has resolved the issue, and now it works flawlessly.

Most people use the SN74AHCT125N

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