How to "erase" segments?

Sorry there is something missing, my fault!
Brightness is set by the dimmer value from Loxone, so this value depends on how I set my dimmer.

Tried also removing the “transition”-part completely, no difference.
Will now switch to V0.11.x and check what calling presets is doing…

Kind regards,

I’m totally out… :zipper_mouth_face:

Updated to V0.11.x , cleared all presets and segments, and created two presets:

  1. 3 segments (0-12, 12-24, 24-36) with Candle effect
  2. 1 segment (0-36) with Palette “Breeze”

When I switch presets with json API: Same strange behaviour
When I switch presets with http API: Same strange behaviour
When I switch presets in WLED UI: Everything fine

The strang thing is: From “Candle” to “Breeze” (where the segments has to be erased!) everything is fine, only from “Breeze” to “Candle” (where segments has to be created) is not working.


In #2, you need segment 1=0-36, seg 2 stop = 0, seg 3 stop = 0, otherwise you get segment overlap.

Did you read what I posted…?
I’m JUST calling presets!

Getting so frustrated about this…!

My apologies. I see the problems - finally - are WLED not properly accepting API input and pretending it was done using the WLED UI.

I’ve now set up two other lamps with WLED, where never (additional) segments have been defined.
Same behaviour!
So I would kindly recommend someone to verify that this seems to be a bug.
