Modifying the UI?

I would like to make a custom build which modifies the default UI (LED Configuration menu). I tried to modify the html in settings_leds.htm, but when I build and upload, I do not see any of my changes. I’m assuming I’m either working in the wrong space/file, or I’m missing a step in the process.

For context, I’m trying to replace the functionality of the LED Output “+” and “-” buttons (the addLEDs function) to display a message box stating led output modification this is not supported on my custom board.

Any guidance on HTML modification would be appreciated.

PS: I may also be experiencing platformio build issues that may or may not be connected to this. For example, I can make an obvious change like removing all of my user mods from my platformio_override file, but the build never generates a new bin file in my firmware folder.

I found this page here with instructions on using npm to rebuild the html. This is what I’m looking for and I’m now able to see my changes.

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