Mutliple controllers shared power supply

Hi, i’m new to the forum, and trying to learn as much as i can. iIm working on a light project on my SXS (4 seater atv) for a light parade and trying to use multiple WLED controllers using the same power supply. 12V to 5V converter since i’m using the 12V battery in the car.

I’m noticing there is data interference when i connect both controllers to the same power supply, i’m assuming this is due to the shared ground on both controllers and they are each receiving the data signal from each other? Is there anyway to fix this issue? I was thinking i was going to need to use one of those 12V - 120V converters, then plug in a 2 separate 5V power supply’s to it, but i’d really like to bypass that and just tap off of the 12V-5V converter.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Which converter? These are becoming notorious for causing problems.


I’m using a diffrent one from Amazon. 12v-24 to 5V 20A converter.
I dont think its the converter. I’m pretty sure its the data wire (D4) sharing the same ground.

Setup looks like this:

Should not be a problem.

Link for converter?

No level shifter? How long are data wires?

No Level Shifter, about 2ft for datalink between controller and strip.
I am doing dual strip on each controller, so 2ft wire split to 2 different strips for each controller.

Two feet (not short) and no shifter may be your problem. You can use a single LED if you don’t have or can’t get shifters in time.

Thank you Tonyno!
The minute you said it shouldn’t be a problem, i started looking at my connections and reduced the data wire down to 6 inch and it works. Looks like i’ll be using a single LED shifter on each controller.

Really appreciate the help!

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