I added a relay - configured its pin in led preferences - to cut off power of the LED strip.
When using the power button in the UI the relay switches off power as expected. This is great. Additional I tried to trigger the delay by moving the brightness slider all the way down to zero but
- minimum value of the UI brightness slider is 1 (not 0 as I expected),
- moving brightness to the lowest possible value does not trigger the relay
Is this the expected behavior of the UI brightness slider when using a relay?
Actually, with this behavior, Iโm unable to switch off the LEDs completely by using the UI brightness slider (with color other than black). With color black LEDs are โoffโ but relay does not switch off power.
Iโm using latest release v0.14.0 with audioreactive usermod (analog MAX9814 microphone).
I thought moving the brightness slider all the way down would trigger the relay as well โฆ