Stepper motor control with WLED

Hello everyone, I just wanted to ask, is there a way to control stepper motor using WLED? I know WLED is mainly for LED control, but is there actually a way to control both using usermod? The stepper motor would be connected to TMC2209 with step/dir pins.To control stepper motor would be speed, direction and start/stop.
Thank you

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OOTB WLED does give you “On/Off” LEDs that are basically relay type controls tied to the GPIOs you assign. You could create various presets that toggle those particular LEDs on or off as desired.

You might even be able to use something like the strobing pulsing effects to simulate something like motor speed (?) It will be highly dependant on your application.

If you want to get into finer controls integrated with motor controller, you’ll need to develop a usermod.

Thank you for your reply. I would like finer control to be able to adjust speed and direction of the stepper motor using WLED. If this is something doable, then I will start to look into it so as to be able to develop a usermod

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maybe a DMX stepper motor controller?