Hi! My situation is the following: I’m trying to control three led strips (2 x SK6812, 1 x WS2812) with an ESP32-WROOM using WLED. My issue is: One of the three LED strips (SK6812 type) keeps flashing between the set color i chose in WLED, and random colors, there seems to be some data issue (https://youtube.com/shorts/ltFMzJcFqFk?feature=share).
I tried both compiling WLED myself and using the official WLED installer (version 0.14.3), and I tried different GPIO pins for this strip (I tried 22, 19 and 4 so far), nothing worked. The strange thing is, this might sound like an electrical issue, but I’m pretty sure it’s not, since the strip works as intended with a simple rainbow animation demo using the Adafruit Neopixel library (https://youtube.com/shorts/tt5UHlZIukc?feature=share). Also, I’m using a level shifter, and from the three strips, the data line of the one not working with WLED is the shortest. Settings also didn’t help (changing the strip type, length). Does anybody know what the issue might be here?
This Type of Strip recomend to use a LEVELSHIFTER
without you will not get this to work you want it to work
Dont forget to brige the GND of the SK68xx stripe
As I said, I use a levelshifter. And yes, I have a common ground between ESP32 and the led strips.
It would help if you could show a pic or diagram of how everything is wired. Also what level shifter are you using?