A little help needed on connecting ws2811 5050 12v strips


I have recently bought and installed 4x5m strips of w2811, 5050, 12 volt leds which have 60 leds per meter and are adressable every 3 leds. So there are 20 adressable units or “pixels” per meter. These strips have 3 pins 12v+ GND and DATA.

Right now I have each 5m strip of led completely separately connected to the PSU and several cheap DMX controllers so they don’t even share DATA signals or anything and I think I couldn’t even address 2 strips with a single DMX universe anyway.

If I’m going to use WLED can or should I solder together the DATA pins of each strip? I will still power them separately.

If I do so, will I be able to use it as a long continous strip and address it as such? It’d be easier to program for light shows I think and look better because with the cheap controllers I think there’s some latency and most (pre programmed) light shows don’t cross over strips.

Do I have to worry about latency at this length?(20m)

Do I have to worry about the strip being too long to be adressable? At 20meters it’d have 400 “pixels” or adressable units. I’d like to use the DMX/ArtNet feature of WLED later if possible.

This is my first home project and I couldn’t find a clear answer after reading the wiki because it is more hardware oriented. Thanks in advance for any help!

Better if you come over to WLED discord. You will talk to live people :slight_smile: