Auto on off with Longitude and latidude

I have set my longitude and latitude, I chose a preset for the lights to use and the times are correct for my location. I am in mountain time and that is also correct. I have saved. The lights still do go on and off. I am obviously missing something. Also I tried to create a playlist thinking that would do it with a preset and it did not work so when I deleted the playlist I created it deleted the preset too. How can I get that preset back. Thank you

can you post your timing setup
How does the WLED get the LOCAL time

screen shot of page if it helps and thanks for the reply.

Your preset is likely lost :disappointed_relieved:
For the future, you can save presets (and configurations) to avoid this problem.

As far as the night time On, morning Off issue - what does your Time&Macros section look like for “Time Controlled Presets”?

Here is how it looks. I switched to timer because I could not get the sunset, sunrise to work. I had them checked before with all the others unchecked. Also if I can get this to work, if I want the sunset/sunrise to go on and of 35 min before would I use -30 for both? Thanks again.

I use the Sunrise/Sunset entries all the time.
I have -18 minutes for Sunrise, so that my Off preset fires a little before the Sun comes up.
I use 18 minutes for Sunset so it gets a little darker before my night preset fires.

That works for me at Lat 49.04N although there is some variation between dead of winter and peak of summer light levels, YMMV.
I have at least 5 different devices using that setup and it’s quite stable

I noticed you’re referencing preset #71, do you actually have 71 presets?
I thought there was an upper limit on the max presets that you could use.
I know the ESP8266’s are fairly limited (32?) and while the ESP32 allows for more, I would wonder if that could be part of your issues.

Worst case, it might be worth saving out all your presets and then stripping down (temporarily) to just the 2 you need for your sunrise/sunset testing.

What version of WLED are you running and on what board?

I am using 13.3. I was advised by the smart lighting folks not to update. I confirmed I have well of 32 presents. They all work. Clarification , they all work on the timer.

Don’t know what to suggest other than strip it down to a very basic setup (after saving your presets and configs) and try to replicate with only 2 simple presets defined.

I haven’t had trouble with that in a very long time.

I’d be wary of a board that can’t be updated to the latest V0.14.
Why not upgrade? You could always put it back if necessary.

Thanks for all the help. It’s working. I had to download and start over but it is now working.