Can the INMP441 mic run with ESP32 and 5v 15A power supply?

Can the INMP441 run with ESP32 and 5v 15A power supply for sound reactive WLED? Since “the ESP32 has an on-board regulator that converts the voltage from 5V to 3.3V”?

Curious to know if this mic can be directly connected to the esp32 with the 5v 15A power supply or if theres a better mic recommended.

Also, do I need a level shifter in with this all for 3 meters of LED strip (180 LED’s)?

  1. Make sure you connect microphone to 3.3V. Digital Microphone Hookup · atuline/WLED Wiki · GitHub
  2. Better mic (IMO) is ICS-43434
  3. Best practice is use a level shifter or “sacrificial pixel” for LEDs.

The length of your strip doesn’t matter for the data signal. It’s the length of wire between the controller and the first pixel. Once it hits the first pixel it will be passed along from there at 5v.

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You know its the simple explanations that stick.

Keep hearing about sacrifice the first pixel, new people wouldn’t understand what that means.

So to see such a binary flow of words that etch a clear unforgettable principle is a breath of fresh air.

Sometimes it seems you need to be part of the advanced club to fathom it…
really doesn’t help and may even shy people away.
