Pairing a digital mic with an esp32

Hi, after many attempts to pair the INP441 with an esp32, I failed to get them married to each other. I joint all the ESP32 pins with the mic pins with wagos.
Edit: I have been failed with analog mics (MAX4466 & MAX9814) as well.
VDD: 3V3
Please take a look at the specs below. Thank you for your time and suggestions many times!

From memory, but I think L/R needs to go to ground as well.

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Thanks for your contribution. I tried with both the L/R pin connected to the GND and without it. I don’t think that there’s issues with the power (i have checked the mic with a multimeter and it shows a 3.3V is flowing thru it consistently.

The L/R pin does need to go to ground as WLED only uses the L channel. Lots of us are using these mics with WLED. Do you have more than one mic? It could be bad hardware. The other common mistake is to not reboot the controller after changing the I2S pins. And how long are the wires between the mic and ESP32? Did you test the connections with a multimeter?

Thank you for your respond, I have tried with another same-of-the kind mic but the result did not change. I have also tried to measure the mic pins’ voltage and it read roughly 3.3V so I don’t think that there’s a power issue.