Cant get controllers to sync up in Wled

Im new, this is my first project. Im putting 2 separate strands of WS2811 100 ct bullet 12v lights over my garage. It will be a upside down V. not that matters. So I have 2 ESPixelStick V3 running the lights. separately they run fine. But when I set up like the attached picture 1 strand turns green and the other one doesnt change.

That setup would not work with two separate controllers.

For separate controllers you need to use the Sync options. And put the two controllers in the same send/receive group. Like:

Both controllers need to be set like this.

I think you are confusing your words as it looks like you are using 1 controller and want two outputs with 100 pixels each to work together. Not 2 controllers. (based on your pic)

From the main GUI check to see if the total # of LEDs in your segment is correct.

Also you didn’t need to use 2 outputs for the garage, you could have just made 2 segments.