Good Morning,
Struggling to figure out a way to keep motion detection active using an interrupt, for sequential data readings; decide on another approach. Using a touch pin with a conditional statement. I have the desired result working.
If the “Chromawand” is in use the motion function is called; when not in use, noMotion function is called. Nearly perfect; except for some math processing time I think, as there is some lag between “Chromawand” movement andd seeing the change in RGB effects.
“Chromawand” uses MPU6050, Accelerometer and Gyroscope to send motion data; after conversion to WLED variables. Variables make up a custom URL String; sent by HTTPClient to a WLED Controller. I am sending ny WiFi; from Sketch running on an ESP32. Sketch will also run on an ESP8266.
Project should work with any WLED Controller; since it utilizes the WLED HTTP api. There is no need for a Usermod. Project was developed with an assist from OpenAI’s. ChatGPT.
Code is on GitHub Updated 04/10/2023
Latest version 04/10/2023; “MPU6050_WLED_withFive_Switches.ino” no longer uses touch features; instead, it uses five switches for better user interface. Additionally, a potentiometer is used to adjust delay between sending of URL to WLED Controller. Features are nearly the same. Find the latest version in the folder: MPU6050_WLED_withFive_Switches. Note: must use the new variables.h file; as variable names have changed. First time use; edit variable values to match your network and your configuration. Find neteork configuration in network.h.