Error at building

i have aproblem mit build WLED. just downloaded the code and Visual Studio Code + needed modules. Wenn i do evrything like in the tutorial i got always the same error message.

Whats wrong with my setting. I hope sombody can help me. I sent a whole week already.
Thank you. JJ

What are you trying to do? There are lots of compiled bin files at Serg’s repo.

I need for my Home Cinema a Matrix with 8 x 280 leds with the matrix effect. But the Marix is only 8 x 255 Leds possible. So iwill modify it a little bit an also cange the color from green to blue.
If the build works not so big changes.

You should be able to do what you want by using multiple outputs. You don’t want 2000+ LEDs on the same output anyway, it’d be way too slow.

But i need the 280 in one Segment with the matrix effect. The effect is very slow. The speed is not a matter. I have already connected all the led it is fine. Only the segment are not fitting.
Also I am a sotware Ingeneer and want do a little at the code. But i have a little problem with the
Visual Studio Code and the PlatformIO IDE. Do i miss a file or programm to run it.

Good luck with that.
You will notice that a lot of stuff assumes max dimension is 255.

What you are seeing in OP is filled up IROM. Your code is too big.

Its the unchanged code WLED 14.1 it should work?