ESP32 No WIFI Connection

Struggling mightily with my latest ESP32. Had WLED Sound Reactive (SR) working for several months. Suddenly decided to quit. Attempting to recover. Rebuilt controller with new ESP32. Software download and WIFI connection seemed to proceed flawlessly. However, ESP32 does not connect to WIFI when powered by (5V 2A) PSU. ESP32 connects to WIFI fine when attached to computer via USB.
I have several additional issues, but this one is stopping me cold. Noted some posts indicating “…the esp32 dev kits have a fault, a bad diode means if you power from the 5V rail it wont work…” However, I did not come across a resolution. Any recommendations, work arounds, or ESP32s that are better?

lots of people got this at this time first try a old stable version 0,13
then delete all realy all presets and repower pysicly try again

the distance to the AP is also a problem the channel in use
and ofcause the AP itself may got your chip MAC not ragionised
TRY to set a FIX ip outside the DHCP range
set SSID and Password and repower pysicly

Thanks Magig_Wled,
Thinking this might be as simple as a ‘power issue’, Changed from the (5V 2A) wall plug to a (5V 2.5A) charging plug with USB connection to the ESP32. This seems to have solved the lack of WIFI connectivity.
Now back to my original issue. WLED (0.14.4) working well for standard lighting choices. However, when I select any Sound Reactive effect, all LEDs turn off. Selection of standard lighting effects, LEDs turn back on displaying the effect. Sound Reactive - no light response.
I have my EXP32 currently mounted on a breadboard for trouble shooting. So far, I have not found the ‘magic’ configuration to get this working.

2 60-LED (WS2812B) wall-mounted strips adjacent to TV/Media Center (GPIO 16 &18)
ESP32 & Logic Level shifter mounted on breadboard
PSU: (5V 2.5A) charging plug with USB connection to the ESP32
Microphone: Analog MAX4466 (GPIO 36)
Audio Reactive enabled
Analogmic (GPIO 36)
Type ‘Generic Analog’
Squelch: 3
Gain: 100
AGC: Normal

There is your issue . MAX4466 , use INMP441 digital mic or if you really must use analog then try with MAX9814 .
Multiple guys reported the same issue and MAX4466 only worked on old SR builds . I personally had the same mic working but no longer use it due to such issues which we faced from time to time .

Thanks ALDIY,
Been wondering if it might be the mic. Kinda the last ‘bit’ I hadn’t verified. I’ll give this a go.

I’ve also noticed that the power supply affects WiFi connectivity on the Esp-M2 (esp8266) I use. I haven’t confirmed the issue with a scope though. A good bench power supply or USB charger seem to work, for installations that don’t need more amps.