
Hi Im trying for a few hours conect esp32-S3 board that i got today im new its my firts time making DIY project
is it possible to conect esp32-s3 to WLED ?

i tryed flashing firmwere downloaded like 20 .bins non of them worked plese help

im new here i dont know how to do it where to compile what to compile
culd you recomnend some easy to follow tutorial pls TY

Did you click on that link and read the full topic?

You can download precompiled bin’s from Serg’s repository:

Flash Tool:

Other options / info: Install WLED Binary - WLED Project

P.S. don’t be afraid to use the search. If I can do it you can do it :wink:

Hi i flashed this into my board and only thing that happends is Led Blinks
i found other tutorial online they after flashing just conect to esp wifi
my ESP doesnt create wifi network :frowning: am i doing it complety worong ?
edit:Green one is blinking now

There is weird USB disconect sound every one second when i plug in esp

in logs its spamming eveeery second
[22:36:57]Build:Mar 27 2021
[22:36:57]rst:0x7 (TG0WDT_SYS_RST),boot:0x8 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)
[22:36:57]Saved PC:0x400454d5
[22:36:57]mode:QIO, clock div:1
[22:36:57]ets_loader.c 78

What’s 5 hours compare to my 2 years trying everything? :wink:

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now its randmly turning on RGB led on board
What is happning

As a DIY you’ll need to do some homework reading on micro controllers and compiling.
If you do not want to do that, get ESP8266 (best in Wemos D1 mini form) or ESP32 (also best in Wemos D1 mini32 form). Be sure ESP32 is plain ESP32, sot the one with -S2, -S3, -C3 or any other makrer.

im 14 and I can’t just say to my parent buy me a new one this dosnt work.
i was doing everything as you and other mentiond flashing .bin weird pio things and i cant get it to work :frowning:
its my first time playing with esp’s. i had used arduino uno.
meaby i just wait for official firmware to come out.
TY for support i think thats it :grinning:

At 14 you should have plenty of time to do some learning of how things work instead of “waiting for …”.
Doh! :man_facepalming:

idk where to start i wached a lot of esp32 arduino coding tutorials but with flashing thing and instaling softwere on this never heard sorry
culd you recomend any beginer tutorials ?
i was reading github coments on this topic and i beeraly understood someething
for example i dont know how poi [env:] do and how they can program esp.

i made my own worst version :rofl:

I could install standard wled image to esp32 s3 super mini with 4mb flash, I will have to record all steps for that, it works keeps setting, connects to wifi, however I have not connected led stripe yet