Flashing ESP32-S3 binary

The latest release includes a ESP32-S3 binary, but does anyone know how to flash it?

Specifically, I would like to use esptool in a similar fashion to how is described here: https://kno.wled.ge/basics/install-binary/#flashing-method-2-esptool

I have custom board a ESP32-S3-WROOM-1, with 8 MB PSRAM and 32 MB Octal 80 MHz SPI Flash (ESP32-S3-WROOM-2-N32R8V). I tried just doing:

esptool.py erase_flash
esptool.py write_flash 0x10000 ./WLED_0.14.0-b3_ESP32-S3.bin

But that just results in a system which doesn’t even start. I imagine I probably need to at least flash a bootloader and maybe other images, but I don’t know where to get them, or what the esptool.py commands I need to execute exactly.

Is anyone able to flash this binary?

I was able to flash Lolin S3 using below commands

esptool.exe -p COM4 erase_flash
esptool.exe -p COM4 write_flash 0x0 S3bootloader.bin
esptool.exe -p COM4 write_flash 0x8000 S3_partitions_8MB.bin
esptool.exe -p COM4 write_flash 0xe000 S3_boot_app0.bin
esptool.exe -p COM4 write_flash 0x010000 S3

Link to zip files with all the bins i used is in wled discord here ( look in beta testing channel )

Also you could try this site WLED installation (wled-install.github.io)

Unfortunately this doesn’t work in my case, as I get a non-working system that keeps repeating:

Build:Mar 27 2021
rst:0xc (RTC_SW_CPU_RST),boot:0x18 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)
Saved PC:0x403784a8
Octal Flash Mode Enabled
For OPI Flash, Use Default Flash Boot Mode
mode:SLOW_RD, clock div:1
entry 0x403c98d8

Maybe the reason is because my device uses 32MB Flash (Octal SPI), while the Lolin S3 uses 16MB Flash (Quad SPI).

I was actually hoping there would be a more general and official way of doing this, similar to how it is described in the kno.wled.ge wiki. I don’t understand how to use WLED_0.14.0-b3_ESP32-S3.bin and I was hoping to get that explained. Because, why was it uploaded in the release if there’s now way to use it? Also, when next the release comes, I would like to be able to install the next official binary.

I’m not really looking for an alternative binary, although this might be useful for someone else.

Here are the commands I executed to flash my device:

esptool.py write_flash 0x0 S3_PSRAM_qio_opi_bootloader.bin
esptool.py write_flash 0x8000 S3_partitions_8MB.bin
esptool.py write_flash 0xe000 S3_boot_app0.bin 
esptool.py write_flash 0x10000 S3_PSRAM_qio_opi_USBCDC_firmware.bin 

C3 ,S2 and S3 are still experimental yes , i only got the files and process to do Lolin S3 a short while ago and I only have that one S3 board , and yes the guys have fixed the issue in flashing for Lolin S3 as we have it at hand . I would suggest that you try the discord as different S3 boards may need a bit of tweaking . We have struggled before to flash even C3 but now it is very simple to do so do not give up

Good afternoon. Could you provide more detailed information about which ESP32-S3 Lolin can be used for firmware WLED_0.14.0-b3_ESP32-S3.bin
I’m afraid of making a mistake in choosing what to buy. For example, on sale I see S3 V1.0.0 - LOLIN WIFI BLE IOT Board ESP32-S3-WROOM-1 16MB FLASH 8MB PSRAM. Is this board suitable? If not, please advise the exact name of the board. Thank you!

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