Help compling WLED 131 not incuding wled.h

e131.cpp:1:18: fatal error: wled.h: No such file or directory

#include “wled.h”

is the error showing as of now.

I am trying to do a custom bin to control a temp sensor. I have upload all libraries and believe I have all board choices correct

Please make sure that the file wled.h exists in the source folder. Maybe it was deleted by accident.
Did you successfully compile an unmodified version of the code before?

I have tried a unmodified verision, I believe. I downloaded the source code wled .10.0, added extra libraries (most through ZIP), (deleted the Asynctcp for esp32, using esp8266). Opened the wled arduino file, and try to compile. I get the “wled.h error” in my e131.cpp I am a complete beginner when it comes to software, so please forgive me. It might be the ESPAsynceTCP library zip, i downloaded. I added the wled.h file to it’s src file, and i didn’t get the first error repeated. But, I am now receiving an error for “exit status 1
src/dependencies/time/TimeLib.h: No such file or directory”

I am not sure if i downloaded the wrong or an incomplete library. Do the folders for wled or the libraries, need to be saved in a such way, or a type of folder for them to work properly? I added the unzipped files to the folder with the rest of my Arduino projects.

If this is in the wrong place of this forum, please advise. Thank you in advance for your time and any help you can provide.

side note, GREAT work Aircookie. I really like Wled and appreciate the hardwork put into it.

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Same advice I give anyone without unlimited time to devote to getting this to compile using the Arduino development environment / application: Use VS Code and PlatformIO IDE extension.
It just works. Saves lots of time, mostly because it automatically handles all the library inter-dependencies.

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Thank you, I am very glad you like it!

What version of Arduino IDE and the esp8266 arduino you using?

@huggy-d1 's advice is exactly the one I was about to give as well :slight_smile: