How do i install the rotary encoder usermod?

How do I install a usermod, so i can use my rotary encoder.
I’ve read the page about compiling wled, installed VScode, and tried to do it myself, but i couldn’t get either of the usermod_v2_rotary_encoder_ui or [a usermod to change brightness and color with a rotary encoder, cant find the link right now] working.

So it would be great if someone could teach/instruct me how to do that.


You have to add something like that to your build
else you can find ready bins to use here

and here WLED installation (

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Thanks for the website ( :heart:
I chose compile your own WLED software and after following the instructions got the .bin file.
But how do i load it on to my ESP32?

I tried the Espressif flash download tool but it didn’t work

Yes WLED Compile helper ( is the best site i seen . To upload your firmware , you can either use the other site to install normal wled and then OTA which is the simplest to do else

The gui flasher ( modified for wled ) is here

Or use esptool

Where would I paste the results in VS code? Thanks for the website!

If you mean the reuslt from this site then that is meant to compile on gh , follow the instruction on that site but to change the build flags on local pio on your PC then you would just add the build flags
-D USERMOD_ROTARY_ENCODER_UI in platformio.ini

I just tried the gh compiler cause I’m struggling with vscode but its failing to compile…

I can try anything you like on gh if you tell the details , I do not have access to local vsc on pc

On there is an instruction for VScode.
I followed it 1:1 and it said „Success“

trying to compile with vscode now, will update later

Yeah, the OTA-Update is probably the easiest.
But even there I have problems. :expressionless:

I downloaded WLED ( on my ESP32 , connected it to my Wifi, went to Manual OTA update and uploaded my file.
It said „Update succesful“ , then said „Rebooting…“ and then my browser lost connection to the website. I couldn’t access it trough the IP or the app.

I‘ve tried it 3 times, same result every time…

If you faced issues with OTA ( which could happen for multiple reasons ) then might be best to flash with serial directly from this site WLED installation ( , just make sure you take a backup if you have a lot of presets or configuration that is hard to redo .as your setting will be lost

unfortunately im having problems compiling now, the default code compiles fine but as soon as I add the custom build parameters it starts failing…

There is a version with rotary encoder and some more usermods on It very easy to flash and works perfectly fine. So its the easiest way.
But you can’t use some pins, because of the other usermods that are installed.
@ltrows try if that works for you.

Im still going to try it with my custom build.

I think he is using esp8266 and you might be referring to MM builds which is available on that site only for esp32 . His issue was resolved on discord using the bins from serg repo ( also including MM bin )

Like you i think the best way is to compile yourself if you can ( this could get a bit tricky if you will compile a lot of usermods at the same time but normally okay )

OK, so i downloaded a .bin file from and flashed it on my ESP32 using WLED_ESP_Flasher and now everything works.

Thanks for your help

Oops, probably should’ve clarified my problem was resolved but thanks for the reply @ALDIY that’s sums it up. Glad everything got sorted here :grin: