Rotary Encoder / Presets Change / Binary Issues

Hello !

I’m trying to use a rotary encoder to switch between differents presets on my Letter Lamp created with some ws2815 leds and an esp8266.

I manage to upload a binary via Microsoft Visual Code but as soon as i attempt to modify/edit plateformio.overide.ini and such nothing works anymore.

Maybe can someone help me.

Excuse my english it’s not my mother’s tongue

@srg74 is providing binaries which include rotary encoder usermod.
Check his github.

Hello, thanks for the response but i can’t find what you’re talking about, i found a deposit but nothing correspond to my project.

I don’t want to have any screen, just switch between wled presets with a rotary encoder.
I 'm searching for a simple working example.


So i found what you want me to see but unfortunately there is no .bin file with the rotary encoder user mod for the esp8266 but there is for esp32.
Bad luck.

But i keep on searching.

Hi, so i took a .bin from srg74 and it works, i can see the rotary encoder usermod. Now i have to make some soldering with my encoder and some resistors.

It works now like a charm.
I soldered my rotary encoder like this and i can switch between the different options proposed by the usermod but with no screen it is a little bit random.

I still got one problem. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

At the beginning i wished that the rotary encoder could only :

-Switch between saved presets by turning the knob
-Switch on/off the strip by pushing the knob

I can imagine i have to change the source code but i don’t know how to access it via the bin file.

Why not