How to change the fixed address of a seed led matrix?

I bought 32 300 pixel LED matrices, but they are not in the looploop model, they have a single signal cable at the top making a T model.

When I connect two of them, the second matrix in sequence of the first one is mirrored like the first one, I can’t address the first pixel of the second matrix as 301, as if the pixel had a fixed address,
Does anyone know how to change the fixed pixel address?

You can’t. You however can just put it on a second gpio pin.

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I don’t want to put another pin because I don’t want to use 32 wires. There must be some way to change this, I read in another post on reddit something about bits that are used to program the fixed address of the pixels, do you know anything about it? Do you know how suppliers address fixed pixels? It doesn’t matter if I need to buy something to reprogram or pay someone to do it i just need it to work.

It’s hard coded to the IC chips in them. You can’t change it.

Maybe you could try daisy chaining off the last pixel of the last icicle drop.
I’ve only heard of hard coded addresses for the first pixel… I don’t think manufactures would put the effort in to hard code every single one.