Hi, I’m trying to build WLED for the TTGO board, but I can’t work out how to set up platformio.ini for this board. I know its an ESP32 based board, but can’t tell which of the available boards to use (or should I include the [env:ttgo-t1] to make it visible?
I’ve uncommented the TFT_eSPI line 167, but this now doesn’t compile (SPIFFS is deprecated)
What default_envs should I use?
Sorry if this is a rather basic question, but I’m a newbie who’s getting a bit frustrated!
I just use esp32dev for the typical ESP32 boards.
I’d start with uncommenting
;default_envs = esp32dev
and go from there.
Thanks for that, I’ve now got it working. It turns out it was a combination of issues, not least being a dodgy USB cable meaning it couldn’t communicate
Never just one thing…
Glad you’re up and running, welcome to the community and good lighting
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