Hi. Have been using the WLED pre compiled binaries for a while but I though I’d have a go at compiling to get the latest features.
In platformio.ini I had to comment out ;default_envs = travis_esp8266, travis_esp32 otherwise I had a npm error.
I use wemos d1 mini’s so I uncommented default_envs = d1_mini.
However it seems to be compiling for every version of board - still going as I type.
What did I do wrong?
There is a semicolon and space in front of every default_envs
line. Perhaps the space is still there, which will lead to PIO ignoring the line
you can also limit compilation to an environment: platformio run -e d1_mini
Thanks for the replies. I will try those suggestions next time - You can probably tell I am a beginner with platformio.
So I ended up with many binaries but the Wemos D1 mini one worked perfectly. Now my LED turns off.
Big thanks to all.