Apparently SD card and FSEQ support exists in >= .14 but I can’t seem to find any information on how to configure this capability. Could someone please point me in the right direction?
Apparently SD card and FSEQ support exists in >= .14 but I can’t seem to find any information on how to configure this capability. Could someone please point me in the right direction?
SD and fseq are not currently supported. I saw it was a possible contender for 15.1 but have not seen anything new about it.
A while back someone hacked some code together and made it work. They never did say how. I would be interested in this as well.
I have been trying to use ESPixelStick on an esp32 cam board for the past 2 weeks and it is just about worthless. reboots, loses settings, won’t read sd card, sometimes will connect to wifi sometimes it wont. At this point I think I am just going to run xschedule from a pc that’s always On so that I can get it to send the data to the esp that is connected to a few Christmas items that are not a part of my light show.
For espixelstick, make sure you are using the latests versions. You can get them here:
Click on the top action and scroll down for the assets.
Also, I recommend using the web flasher. It always has the latest version:
Yep I have tried them and with web flasher. Still worthless on Esp32 Cam, at least for me so far… I would try to detail all the issues I have faced, but I would not know where to begin lol. I would have to document as I went, because just about anything I did resulted in a lock up and reboot. When rebooting it also will not connect to my wifi. It will only connect to that every second reboot. Anyways I won’t clog up the WLED forums with pixelstick. It’s more just a fair warning that it seems to be over the top buggy. At least in my use case. YMMV
Update: I was finally able to get ESPixelstick to work on the Esp32 Cam board with an fseq on an SD card.
I know this is all about WLED integration, but I’m providing this info incase it helps someone:
I used a digital camera to do a fresh format on the micro sd card. Then put the card in a pc and removed any files/folders the camera format added. (Whenever I used the card formatted from the PC in my past attempts things never worked. Yes I was formatting Fat32.)
Next I flashed the 4.0 firmware Build Date Dec 8 2024 from the web flasher for the board type Esp32 Cam
Then I opened an incognito Chrome browser tab (because there is a bug in the firmware where it does not refresh correctly and keeps displaying whatever is cached in your browser) and navigated to the Esp’s IP and carefully filled in the Device Config tab. Hit Save and just sat and waited about a minute to be sure NOTHING else was happening. I did not click other menus of the GUI or anything.
Then clicked Home tab in the GUI and info was refreshing. Nice!
I closed the browser and opened up xLights. Went to FPP Connect and checked the box for ESPixelstick 4.0 and hit upload!
It took a long time to upload my 1min very basic sequence for 3 ports with about 360 pixels. At least a minute+ Eventually the upload finished and the box closed.
I then opened another incognito browser and went back to the controller and checked the file manager. Wow! the seq was there.
Went to Device tab and changed from play remote seq to selecting the uploaded one. Clicked Save and sat there another good minute+ Eventually the sequence started playing on my LEDs YES!! Then without me ever clicking anything on the browser a bar popped up where it was trying to reconnect (I guess the controller rebooted when I changed to the onboard seq’). So based off my many many hours of messing with the thing I 100% knew it did not connect to my wifi when it rebooted. Checked my phone for wifi networks and sure enough it was broadcasting it’s AP.
I killed power to the controller so it would reboot. It connected to my network again and the onboard seq’ started playing.
So if anyone ventures to use pixelstick firmware and has issues just maybe this post will help them.
Glad you got it working! I’m with you on how buggy the software it, which is why I was attempting to move to WLED. I’ve been using ESPixelStick firmware in ESP32’s for many years, all with their new, but minor problems. This year’s batch of updates, however, has been very, very rough. I may have to try my hand at integrating SD and FSEQ into WLED at some point to get away from the ES firmware.
Also, when using the web flasher, if you pick the top version with no date (4.0 experimental, I believe), it will flash the latest version which is from Dec 9th. Sounds like you’ve got it working though, so probably better to leave well enough alone for this season.
Thanks for that info. I was actually looking for the Dec 9th firmware when I did that last flash but did not see it. I saw that Martin was supposed to be adding it. I just figured he didn’t get to it. But with things currently working I think I best stick with what I got lol. Maybe after Christmas I will play with it a bit more with hopes to get a relay working as well. When I tried that before things were even worse than all my latest issues lol.