ESP32 w/ FSEQ on SD, Demo

A quick hack for “standalone mode” ESP32/WLED reading FSEQ from SD card – not the best camera quality :grimacing: though…

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Nice! I made something similar out of seed pixels that I’m using in my semicircular windows. As for camera quality, I don’t think any of them do a great job of capturing the amazing colors of the LEDs.

Cool! How did you get WLED to read FSEQ’s from SD Card?

@Jinx Yeah, about that. Apparently some kind of support officially exists for versions >= 0.14, but I can’t figure how to make that work. I combined notes from here and there… and mine is an ugly hack on 0.14.

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@Artacus I see you!

Hey :slight_smile:
I’m sitting here behind my screen with red eyes from scrolling through gifthub pages, trying to gather info on getting to play fseq files working on wled.
Would you be willing to share some more info on this? Dis you compile a custom wled image for esp32?
Tomorrow I will start connecting a sd card reader to my esp32 to get that ready and done. But I’m struggling on how to get that fseq support going in wled.

Alternatively I could use esppixelstick from forkineye. That supports playing local files on sd. But I would prefer to use wled because of other features.

kind regards,

Are you using a matrix in WLED for this? Can you share your config?

Do you have the code you used to do this somewhere you can share? I could really use this functionality but I can’t find any other resources. Thanks!

you can try mine

its in betta version :wink:

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