Hello, I want to write a filter similar to wipe. But whose behavior will be something like this:
for ( int i = 0; i < SEGLEN; i++)
SEGMENT.setPixelColor(index, WHITE);
for ( int i = SEGLEN; i > 0; i--)
SEGMENT.setPixelColor(index, BLACK);
I know delay is a bad solution, I just wrote this to make the example easier. I’m looking at the color_wipe sample code. but I can’t figure out how this delay is done. Additionally, I would like it to happen when the segment is turned on. It will be turned on for 10 seconds and then turned off in the for loop
how to use variables for this:
to control the speed of the for loop (but not the middle pause). I would also like the animation to be as smooth as possible and the LEDs to light up gradually, as in the case of wipe
Will this solution be ok:
uint16_t delayTimeFor = 500
uint16_t delayTime = 10000
for ( int i = 0; i < SEGLEN; i++)
SEGMENT.setPixelColor(index, WHITE);
unsigned long startTime = millis();
while (millis() - startTime < delayTimeFor)
unsigned long startTime2 = millis();
while (millis() - startTime2 < delayTime)
for ( int i = SEGLEN; i > 0; i--)
SEGMENT.setPixelColor(index, BLACK);
unsigned long startTime3 = millis();
while (millis() - startTime3 < delayTimeFor)
I would like to make something nicer based on the variables I wrote about above.
Additionally, can you explain to me what the characters after the effect name represent:
I’m not an expert, but I have written an effect.
The basic idea is that WLED will call your effect, and you look at the variables from the UI such as SEGMENT.speed, etc. and you are responsible for deciding what to do.
Concretely, this is done by remembering the last ‘time’ (typically in SEGENV.step) and comparing the current ‘time’, where ‘time’ is some function of strip.now, and then based on that, make any changes to the pixels accordingly, and return. It seems that usually all pixels are set on every call to the effect, which is probably a good idea, and might be necessary (but I haven’t confirmed).
There is no spinning in a loop waiting for a future time; you look at the time difference from last time the function was entered, do whatever, and return.
Its best to study some simple existing effect, like blink/strobe.
Did you read everything I wrote or just the first sentence? I know can’t use delay(), I even wrote below how I want to replace it - but it’s not a very nice solution
Adjust the duration of the wipe preset in the playlist till it matches your desired time at whatever speed/intensity you had set. If you want them to stay ON after all LEDs are lit add a solid preset as your 2nd item in the playlist.
So, you need to (1) remember when you’ve finished the forward wipe, then (2) when you are called 10,000 milliseconds after that, you start again (3) with the led_index at the end of the segment and proceeding backwards. A simple way fof doing (3) is to generate led_index as before, and then map it to its reverse (SEGLEN - led_index). For (1), there are variables SEGENV.aux0 etc. for you to use.
It’s a pretty straightforward programming exercise. I think you are off to the right start; Good luck.
what I’m missing is that after turning on the entire LED strip, it must be turned on for 10 seconds and turn off in the same way, LED after LED in the opposite direction