LED Output over serial (Adalight/TPM2)


i need (would like to have) a serial LED Output connection without wifi!
WLED => SERIAL (Adalight/TPM2) => ESPHOME (and other).
Esphome is already capable getting Adalight data over serial
(Light Component — ESPHome)

Please consider enabling serial Adalight output similar to network output!

Edit: TPM2 is also ok, as there is already a TPM2 Output on Serial

LED data query

To get the colors currently displayed by LEDs:
    Send an uppercase 'L' (byte 0x4C) to request the current LED data as a tpm2 data packet in 24-bit RGB format.

EDIT: i can´t get more than 3 fps with 396px, does not matter with 1500000bps or 115200bps. Wled does not react when i increase the request rate. (wled moon modules self compiled (base on esp32S3_4MB_PSRAM_M)
EDIT2: found in MM when you send ‘O’ it already send a stream. ‘o’ stopps it.
But is too fast, there should be serial_fps option. 5 or 6 fps are possible.

If someone want, this is a function to output Adalight, almost the same to TPM2

void sendBytesAda(){
  byte check = 0x00;

  if (!pinManager.isPinAllocated(hardwareTX) || pinManager.getPinOwner(hardwareTX) == PinOwner::DebugOut) {
    if (!Serial) return; // WLEDMM avoid writing to unconnected USB-CDC
    Serial.write('A'); Serial.write('d'); Serial.write('a');
    uint16_t used = strip.getLengthTotal();
    uint16_t len = used*3;
    check = highByte(len) ^ lowByte(len) ^ 0x55;  //XOR

    for (uint16_t i=0; i < used; i++) {
      uint32_t c = strip.getPixelColor(i);
      Serial.write(qadd8(W(c), R(c))); //R, add white channel to RGB channels as a simple RGBW -> RGB map
      Serial.write(qadd8(W(c), G(c))); //G
      Serial.write(qadd8(W(c), B(c))); //B
    //Serial.write(0x36); Serial.write('\n'); # nix zum schluss!

I have a working setup with wifi:
Esphome on a ESP32, with a led matrix display (WS2812 396px).
I switch data from esphome and WLED.
with the DDP component (GitHub - KaufHA/common: Common files between all products) i can display wled data, it works great over wifi, thank you :slight_smile:

If there is any other method getting the WLED LED data stream to esphome without wifi please let me know!
