i need (would like to have) a serial LED Output connection without wifi!
WLED => SERIAL (Adalight/TPM2) => ESPHOME (and other).
Esphome is already capable getting Adalight data over serial
(Light Component — ESPHome)
Please consider enabling serial Adalight output similar to network output!
Edit: TPM2 is also ok, as there is already a TPM2 Output on Serial
LED data query
To get the colors currently displayed by LEDs:
Send an uppercase 'L' (byte 0x4C) to request the current LED data as a tpm2 data packet in 24-bit RGB format.
EDIT: i can´t get more than 3 fps with 396px, does not matter with 1500000bps or 115200bps. Wled does not react when i increase the request rate. (wled moon modules self compiled (base on esp32S3_4MB_PSRAM_M)
EDIT2: found in MM when you send ‘O’ it already send a stream. ‘o’ stopps it.
But is too fast, there should be serial_fps option. 5 or 6 fps are possible.
If someone want, this is a function to output Adalight, almost the same to TPM2
void sendBytesAda(){
byte check = 0x00;
if (!pinManager.isPinAllocated(hardwareTX) || pinManager.getPinOwner(hardwareTX) == PinOwner::DebugOut) {
if (!Serial) return; // WLEDMM avoid writing to unconnected USB-CDC
Serial.write('A'); Serial.write('d'); Serial.write('a');
uint16_t used = strip.getLengthTotal();
uint16_t len = used*3;
check = highByte(len) ^ lowByte(len) ^ 0x55; //XOR
for (uint16_t i=0; i < used; i++) {
uint32_t c = strip.getPixelColor(i);
Serial.write(qadd8(W(c), R(c))); //R, add white channel to RGB channels as a simple RGBW -> RGB map
Serial.write(qadd8(W(c), G(c))); //G
Serial.write(qadd8(W(c), B(c))); //B
//Serial.write(0x36); Serial.write('\n'); # nix zum schluss!
I have a working setup with wifi:
Esphome on a ESP32, with a led matrix display (WS2812 396px).
I switch data from esphome and WLED.
with the DDP component (GitHub - KaufHA/common: Common files between all products) i can display wled data, it works great over wifi, thank you
If there is any other method getting the WLED LED data stream to esphome without wifi please let me know!