Macro for random solid color

Hello everyone,
Does anyone have a solution for a Macro for a random solid colour, which will not change, triggered by a button push.
I’ve split my lightstrip into 2 segments. If I push a button I would like to have a random color at the current set brightness for segment 1 and a different random color for segment 2.
I already tried effect “random color” with speed and intensives set to 0 but unfortunately the light changes over short time.
Thank you all in advance.


I mean, the RANDOM function is already there, (R) in the color picker. Why can’t that (R) be saved like a color like a custom color?

hello, i search a solution too… If you have an idea…

Ok i find a solution, with the http request API in the preset, it work like a charm :wink:

How do you set the API command?

With the good doc :wink:
You can write a preset with commands http-API

this is mine preset,
In fact if you want you can put this preset in a playlist…

Hi thank you! I already know the API command page and I have write two simple presets for my button, One for start an effect with red color and another to reset the lights, I was searching for the “r” (random) in the API commands but not find nothing, now with your command I make a test and let you know Thank you

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