Multi strips, controls per strips?

I have a set of 3 strips connected to the same ESP32 separated by 3 different pins, is there any way I can control one strip separately?

You can create segments in WLED that correspond to different parts of the the total strip attached to your MCU. Checkout the KB: WLED Segements.

You can apply different effects to those segments and create presets with the end results.

What are you trying to accomplish with your setup?

These are LEDs for a PC, I want to make one purple and one blue, how do I do that?

When you create Segments, you specify which LED #'s are in each section (0-8, 12-21, etc.)
Once you have created different segments, you can apply colours to each one independently.
Save your results as presets and you can bring up each segment separately (or together) as you wish.

Do you have WLED running on anything yet?

he is running on an esp32

I want to put each of them in a different color

In the main WLED GUI, create 3 segments:

Seg1 Start:0, Stop:26.
Seg2 Start:26, Stop:50.
Seg3 Start:76, Stop:150.

Each of those new segments has an “Active” checkmark, uncheck everything except the first 1.
Set a colour and click the accept checkmark in the segment.
Uncheck Seg1 Active and check Seg2 Active.
Set a different colour and click the accept checkmark in the segment.
Do the same for Seg3.

If you watch the Peek display, you can see what WLED thinks it’s doing for you
Save your setup in a preset so you can get this setup back after a reboot.

Did you really want that last hardware entry on GPIO 21 to start at 76 and not 50?
The way you’ve set your hardware up is to leave a “dead space” of 26 LEDs from #50-#75
For each new GPIO entry you add, the hardware addresses the physical LEDs starting at 0 but WLED shows them to you as sequential. So they appear as one long strip in the GUI, but the GPIOs send out the correct addresses as required.

thank you very much

No problem.

Happy New Year and Happy WLED’ng ! :tada: