Can one ESP board be used to control multiple LED strips from different GPIOs?

New to wled but loving it.
I’d like to use it to control several LED strips from one ESP board, is that possible?
If so, any point in the direction of how to achieve it would be greatly appreciated.
By the way, I use Home Assistant as my main way of controlling the LEDs.

As a clearer example of what I want to achieve, let’s say I have a shelf unit with 5 shelves. I would like to have a strip of WS2812b LEDs on each shelf where each strip/shelf can be controlled independently.
They will be powered by one single power supply, and if they could be controlled by one single ESP board (likely a D1 mini or NodeMCU) then that would be great.

I haven’t explored segments very much, I’m not sure if they can work as I would like, if they can that would be great, as long as each LED strip will show up as its own entity in Home Assistant then I can totally wire them all as one continuous LED strip.

Because you can configure and control segments independently, you can use the json API to activate / control different segments via http calls with json data related to what segment needs controlling, and whether to turn it on or off, set effect, and other settings.
In other words, you can set up “virtual” HA device controls that when activated can set the current state of that HA device as well as send the related http json request to make it happen.
If someone already integrated WLED segmenting into your particular HA software, that’s time saved doing it yourself.