Multiple buttons for ESP-01

I am aware the ESP-01 is limited to one button but has anyone had any project that can use more buttons? I have a limited space (narrow) to work in and ESP32 is just too wide.

I am thinking a PI Pico W with the buttons that makes calls to the API on the ESP-01 but that would be a bit of mare to setup with WIFI IMHO.

I know WLED isnt going to be ported to PI Pico anytime soon and there doesnt seem to be solution anywhere near as good as WLED available on that platform.

Have you been able to create multiple buttons on an ESP-01? I want to add around 6.

ESP01 only exposes 4 GPIO. 0, 1, 2 and 3.
Good luck attaching 6 buttons to that. :wink:

There is some other form factors for ESP8266 you can use, like wise ESP32 has some smaller than the ordinary development board.

Yes, you are right. This looks ideal. has anyone used one?

I got a ESP32-C3, it’s pretty small. After I flashed the firmware I still only get 4 buttons when there 15 available.

You need to custom compile. Add -D WLED_MAX_BUTTONS=10

Yus, Thx
