Need some help to continue my WLED project

Hello everyone,
I need your support with my WLED project. Normally I always get kits, but this time I wanted to assemble something myself. As I have a lot of freedom with WLED that I don’t have with the usual commercial stuff.

So far I’ve been working on mini projects so that I know how it all works, but now I wanted to start a big project for my living room.

I want to install 11 LED strips of different lengths on my wall. I have also attached a picture so that you can get a better idea. It`s the upper part of the picture.

I wanted to control all this with an ESP 32 board (30 pins). But this is exactly where I am pondering. Most of the tutorials I have found so far work with one LED strip, so I wanted to ask here if what I have planned is also possible. About my idea:

I wanted to assign each strip its own data pin. That way I wouldn’t have to connect the end of one LED strip to the beginning of the next LED strip every time.

My ESP32 should initially be supplied with power via a 5V power supply unit. In the next step, when I have also built a converter, it should be supplied from the same power supply unit as the LED strips. Then I would only have one power supply for everything.

I have also made a very rough drawing of the circuit. See the lower part of the picture.

Additional information: They are all the same LED strips ws2812b. There are 50 LEDs on the smallest one, 68 LEDs on the middle one and 86 on the longest one.

Now to my questions:

Is it even possible to use so many data pins at the same time with WLED? I have only seen tutorials with 2 at the same time.

I was never the best at electrical engineering at school, but I have tried to roughly calculate what kind of power supply I need. 5V with 30A should be enough or is it wrong?

The last question. Is this circuit at all feasible? Do I have to plan anything else that I have forgotten?

Thank you for your support and if you have any questions, just ask.
And sorry for my paint skills :slight_smile:

I power the strips directly and link to the esp32 through a level shifter and use a relay to preserve power consumption.

I have seen it noted that 4 pins at most per Esp32, but it is possible to use multiple boards - synchronised together (which allows you to grow in a modular fashion.

Worth looking at a couple of excellent YouTube videos by @ResinChemTech (search for ‘WLED mastering segments multi-pin & multi-controller setups’ and ‘level up your WLED projects: a guide to adding components’

Good luck

Thanks for the tip. I will watch the video. But maybe there is another solution with the new version of WLED. I didn`t want to use more than one ESP.

Does anyone know if it is possible to use more than 4 data pins with the latest version without problems?

It is currently only said that the best performance is with 4 or less. What problems could occur if you use more than four?

I know you can use up to 10 pins maybe up to 16, I know they were working on up to 16 but I don’t know it’s status.

Did you try it with 10 pins?

I have not tried 10. I have many configured with 8.

Use 8 or less per esp as you can not at the moment use more then 10 due to a bug in UI , and even with 8 you might face flicker depending on your gpio assignment and possibly type of leds ( you will see many open cases on github for those issues) .

Using multiple esp even more then two is not really a bad idea as that is a cheap practical option and at the end you can still control the fixture from one place so go for that or take your chances
when many others have faced issues doing so