Only 4 WS281x Channels possible?

I’m want to drive 4096 WS2812b LEDs. I thought I could use 8 Output a 512LEDs from my ESP32 S3 16MB. But if I add the 5th output, I cannot choose WS281x anymore. :frowning:
I could try 4x1024, but I got flickering in former tests (with more than 800 LED per output).

Any hints, how to drive 4096 LED (64x64 Matrix)? Maybe is there a way to combine two ESP32 S3 Modules together?

Thanks in advance

A big part of your limitation here is the ESP32-S3.

Standard ESP32’s don’t have that 4 GPIO limit and are probably more suited to what you’re trying to do.

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Thank you very much! You are right! I checked up my old ESP32 and I could add 8 GPIO. It’s a pity: I thought a newer 16MB Flash 8MB PSRAM ESP32-S3 would be better choice.
Unfotuneatly the older ESP32 have only 1MB Filesystem (LittleFS). Are there old working ESP32 with more useable flash?

That’s the current standard for WLED w/ESP32 devices.
Are you running out of room in the 1MB FS?

That’s not typically a limit for LEDs or presets (or ledmaps).

I like to save a lot of pixelart images and animations. On my 32x32 panel I already reached the limit. :frowning:
Do you know if the 4 GPIO on S3 is a hardware or software limitation? So is there a chance that these limitations will change in future developments?

I believe the 4 GPIO limit is a hardware limit of the S3, only 4 RMT channels available (?)

I did see a project that may (or may not) be helpful to you: External web streaming
There are a number of people streaming images to their WLED setups, so there may be some other alternatives out there.

Thanks, there are a couple of alternatives. I’m already using a 32x32 wled matrix for half a year.
Now, I tried metatron, but it shows only something in the first line on my matrix. I suppose it doesn’t support 2D Matrix.

With PixelMagicTool GitHub - ajotanc/PixelMagicTool: It is a tool that converts any image into code in JSON WLED format, currently being tested on a 2D Matrix panel, soon I will post news for the serpentine version. I can send Pixelart Images to wled and they are saved as presets. So I can recall the images without browser. It can also create bad animations that creates a couple of presets and a playlist.
Then there is WLED-PixelArtConverter GitHub - werkstrom/WLED-PixelArtConverter: Convert any image your browser can render into pixel art for WLED
Send images to WLED works for me, but animations/preset upload don´t. Here are more instructions: Pixel Art Converter - WLED Project

The best way for me is to use the gif-branch with GifPlayer: GitHub - Manut38/WLED-GifPlayer-html: Upload/Play GIFs directly from WLED
I can upload the gif animation directly to WLED LittleFS and it works like a charm! I have nearly 100 gif files on my 32x32 wled. Unfortunately I had to compile the gif-branch by myself and ESP32-S3 16MB isn’t supported yet. So I can still only use 1MB Flash with a normal ESP32. Therefore I bought the 16MB S3. The WLED 0.15 release has a 4MB free usabled Filesystem, but I think there must be a way to use even more.

I hope the gif player will soon be implemented in standard WLED.

You might also try experimenting with the WLED Online Compiler it gives you a number of builtin options to update (including # of WLED busses for S3) - see Step 2.

No guarantee that the compile will actually work depending on the options, but you can try.

If you really get in depth (setup your own clone of master github code) it’s possible to create custom FileSystem sizes. That will take some exploring of source/internet to make happen.

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Just noticed browsing through the source, there’s reference to:

 large_partitions = tools/WLED_ESP32_8MB.csv
 extreme_partitions = tools/WLED_ESP32_16MB_9MB_FS.csv

in the build flags section for LITTLEFS.

It’s possible you can get a custom compile to give you a much larger FS (???)

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