Is there a way to migrate settings from existing to new instance of wled module?
Especially I am interested about migrating preset slots in favorites.
How can I identify what effect is stored (as a number or string) in each slot in preset, without turning on the wled?
I know this is a old thread though one of the first things popping up on Google.
I’ve just started playing with WLED and I think it’s great, I even got some requests from the misses so it sure must good.
I made a second led with a wemos for the pumpkins in the garden and I want them to be on the same preset after powering on, though my second one doesn’t have a playlist and while it’s able to sync with no1 I’d like to set up to use default preset playlist on power on because (may be missing something) I still have to manually press the sync button on the first one each time.
With a web request, you can retrieve the current configuration as a json blob (text file). You can reverse the procedure and load a json config into a running WLED.
Read the JSON api, and backing up and loading WLED configuration in the WLED WIKI, plus some topics about it in this discourse group.