Question: How to migrate settings to another wled


Is there a way to migrate settings from existing to new instance of wled module?
Especially I am interested about migrating preset slots in favorites.
How can I identify what effect is stored (as a number or string) in each slot in preset, without turning on the wled?


you could just dump the flash and put it on another device (same hardware type).
this works on wemos d1 mini: read_flash 0x00000 0x400000 backup.img write_flash 0x00000 backup.img

this clones the whole device, apart from its IDs (like MAC ADDR).

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That is one approach, thanks. May go that way if no other.
Best thing would be to be able to export/import cfg file in wled web interface.

That is coming once we shift to a file system.


I know this is a old thread though one of the first things popping up on Google.

I’ve just started playing with WLED and I think it’s great, I even got some requests from the misses so it sure must good.

I made a second led with a wemos for the pumpkins in the garden and I want them to be on the same preset after powering on, though my second one doesn’t have a playlist and while it’s able to sync with no1 I’d like to set up to use default preset playlist on power on because (may be missing something) I still have to manually press the sync button on the first one each time.

Thank you,

There is now a way to backup presets and config.
I have done so to transfer certain settings to another esp8266 board

Mind you, both were tge wled version (v0.13.0)

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With a web request, you can retrieve the current configuration as a json blob (text file). You can reverse the procedure and load a json config into a running WLED.

Read the JSON api, and backing up and loading WLED configuration in the WLED WIKI, plus some topics about it in this discourse group.

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I did it! Thank you! I’m not sure I understand all of what I did, but I’m cloning! Thanks!

Two options:

  • 0.12 and below: open http://wled.local/edit, then rght-click on presets.json in the left pane and choose Download
  • 0.13 and above: open Settings, then Security & updates, you will find button for Backup presets