Hi everyone - stuck on something basic, i think.
Objective: turn on lights when motion is detected via PIR, turn off if no further motion and after the delay.
I can’t get any PIR to change states. LEDs work fine when PIR is connected, I can change to my preferred states “manually” (via app), but simply can’t get PIR to automatically cause the state change.
Troubleshooting I’ve done so far:
- Swap out HC-SR501 units (nothing)
- Dial down pots on HC-SR501 (nothing)
- Change jumper position on HC-SR501 (nothing)
- Button 1 as Switch (nothing)
- Swapped physical wires (nothing)
I think this might be a settings issue in WLED, but I simply can’t pinpoint it. Without the PIR, LEDs work just fine (addressable, any preset, etc.).
All advice or troubleshooting would be super helpful!
ESP8266 controller (12v)
GPIO2: WS2811 LEDs (12v)
Button 1 is set to GPIO1 / PIR
(PIR power is wired to the +v/gnd surrounding GPIO1)
LED Preferences:
Max Current: 600mA
LED Voltage: 12V (30mA)
Hardware: WS281x RGB, Length: 14, GPIO2
Button 0 GPIO: unused, disabled
Button 1 GIPO: 1, PIR sensor
Touch Threshold: 32
IR GIPO: unused, remote disabled
Relay GPO: unused, Invert: Yes
Time & Macros / Button Actions
Button 0: 0,0,0
Button 1: 2,1,0
2 (“Sensor Works”) (turn red; for testing)
1 (“Solid WW”) (go to warm white)