Start Playlist with MQTT json

Hi, if i am starting my nightlight with mqtt like


it works well if id 4 is a preset. But with a defined playlist i have no success, it just show a solid color. The playlist itself works when triggered e.g. by the app.

Is there any difference in starting playlist to presets with the json syntax ?

I think the playlist/presets are still referenced internally via index#.
I don’t believe you can use the nice human labels from outside.

Might be able to create a cross-ref in your MQTT code ?

No, i never used the human labels. As shown above i am using the index 4

Sorry I misread your original.
At little searching on the forum turned up:


As an example of a playlist call where Preset 1 is a playlist.
I’m sure there are more fine details to lock down, but that should get you started.