Sunrise effect

0-60 in minutes Sunrise
61-120 in minutes - 60 Sunset

Use playlist to make it run only 1 time with the maximum duration and 1 repetition.
I am not sure if you can make playliet element run for 60 minutes though.

yes I probably have to compile it on my own then

I am a bit confused, can this be set by parameters or do I have to change it hardcoded?

uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_sunrise() {
  //speed 0 - static sun
  //speed 1 - 60: sunrise time in minutes
  //speed 60 - 120 : sunset time in minutes - 60;
  //speed above: "breathing" rise and set
  if ( == 0 || SEGMENT.speed != SEGENV.aux0) {