TERMINAL API Curl Variable commands

id like to share some infos on Direct NET Commands

here a example on CURL using VARiables and integration via JQ (jq)
Example standard 30LED Stripe
FIRST lets set the top 15 LED on GREEN (0,255,0) and the others14-30 OFF Black

curl -X POST "http://YOUR WLED IP/json/state" -d '{"on":true, "bri":25, "seg":{"i":[
        0,15,[0,0,0],14,30,[0,255,0]]}}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"

then use a for loop to make a Hourglas effect

led=1;for x in {0..14..1}; do r=$(jq -cn --arg led "$led" '($led|tonumber) as $led | {on:true,bri:25,seg:{i:[0,$led,[0,255,0],30-$led,[0,0,0]]}}'); curl -X POST "" -d $r -H "Content-Type: application/json";echo "nummer $led"; sleep 1;((led++)); done 

led=1 is the VARIABLE to be incresed
the Terminal Bash separeter are " ; "
for x in {0…14…1}; this makes the loop 15times 0-14 in steps 1
do —> does the codeblock
r=$(jq -cn --arg led “$led” ‘($led|tonumber) as $led | {on:true,bri:25,seg:{i:[0,$led,[0,255,0],30-$led,[0,0,0]]}}’); —> this is the string to be generaded and passed to the CURL -d Part as -d $r

CURL does the sending to the IP adress of your WLED

have fun with your own sequences

I was doing the same with dos batch file which is helpful to locate the pixel when messing with the mapping

for /l %%x in (0, 1, 44) DO (
curl -d  {"seg":{"i":[%%x,[255,255,0]]},"fx":115,"transition":5} -H "Content-Type: application/json"

You are making a usermod ?

@ALDIY No im not making a Usermod on that
And what is interesting the OS does matter on this kind of Action

Unix/Linux does bhave diverent on CURL Batch
Syntay does matter

Okay , just because it is in the usermod title i thought you plan to do a console to control or issue those commands even to other units ( a lot of guys asked for this and if you think about it ,it would be great same as you could do now in Tasmota console or berry scripting )

And yeah i have seen also that the json format is very finicky so from mac or from god forbid HA you would have to mess with the formats specifically the quotes

@ALDIY first at all the main DEVELS shoudt vonsider a BASH preset with USER API commands

INIT{ Vars and startsetup}
DO{ THE LOOP here comens the API command}

i think there is somthing like this in JASON but it is not implemented in the DEV
or Simply not Known to puplic

Most users with this kind of ““hobby”” LED expiriances know to do things in ARDUINO IDE
woudt be good to get somthing simple for USERDisplay