I am using json api to set the color of individual led
for example: {“seg”:{“i”:[0,[255,0,0],1,[0,128,0],2,[0,0,255]]}}
So in my case i have 1200 leds and this i array is of length 2400 i am getting error 9 in response
or some time bad request.
So how to configure the json configuration for this to work , i am using esp32 4mb
Now we got that out of the way , I finally got it to work under windows and was testing with three irregular fixtures ( cubes and rings ) which all under 1000 leds and planning to do heavy scripting on that . Does ledmap help in this case ? Im not really sure if the dmx option only possible with extra hw as there is limited info on the site . Cheers
The limit can be mitigated by custom compiling and increasing JSON buffer size.
It will need thorough testing by the user though.
There may be other issues so I recommend reading ArduinoJson documentation.
Could you share the code you used ? when i run something like the below in a nested loop "sometimes it fails " but other times it works or lags a bit .The leds are not more then 256 and mcu(s) are only one meter away from router .