Hi mates, may you please help me understand the nature of theese glitches? I’ve an ESP8266 driving 360 SK6812 RGBW, I’ve used an 74HC14 (trigger shmitt, the best option) to rise from 3.3 and clean the signal and also to connect the first with the second longer segment (first led is most right), coaxial cable for connections without ground loops, a good power supply 5V 25A, a main cable of 2x2,5mm and the stripes are connected to power line every 2 meters (60 led). I guess the hardware is ideal and done with accuracy.
With solid color I’ve not noticed glitches, but I’ve to admit it was pretty cold to make tests. I hope you have a minute to see this video, it’s glitter effect with 3 colors (ita flag), every about 10 seconds I notice this glich that may stay for 0,5 seconds, then disappear. Please notice the white (rgbW) is turning on and off sometimes corresponfing on particular color, and the red (only) has this short violet segments, a couple of time. Looking to it seems a problem of effect, but I would like ask you what can be the cause:
- ESP is running on too cold enfironment, it’s in a box with power supply, myabe temperature can be about -5. If suffers, then it seams at moderate CPU load only.
- The power supply can generate at intervals some harmonics that may “resonance” with the data line. A bit hard to believe because its effect should be visible everywhere, not on some colours only, but I can’t exclude it. I may need to filter the power going to CPU.
- WiFi broadcast may interrupt umproperly the effect, I need to isulate the ethernet domain to avoid too many broadcasts coming from other devices.
I count on your experience to guess what can be. Thanks!