Updated to latest WLED and now lights are alot dimmer

I updated my DigUno to the latest WLED version and now my WS2811 12v pixels are alot dimmer on most effects that use all pixels. However I get a good brightness on effects that run a stream of a few pixels at a time. I have verified the brightness setting and it appears to not change from 128-255. I have 550 pixels connected with power infusion every 50 pixels. Any ideas?

Have you turned off the limit max brightness setting or if not, put the correct size PSU (in mA, so 40 amp is 40000) in below that setting? Chosen the correct LED volatge and as a last point, have the brightness factor at 100%? All these are on LED settings page.

perfect that did it since the update defaulted back to 850 thank you now I just have to get my wifi to recognize the new update

thanks again

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