WLED on ESP32 and Arduino Code on Another ESP32

I’m looking to have a 2nd ESP32 control the 1st ESP32 with WLED on it. I’ve been looking at all the options for 2-way communication between WLED and an Arduino code driven ESP, and I’m not really finding any simple answers. Yes, I can very easily do 2-way communication over WiFi and the HTML API. But I’d really like to do the 2-way communication over a wired serial connection. Yes, I’m able to do json from the ESP32 with Arduino code to WLED. But I also need replies back from WLED for status messages.

Basically, I’m looking to send API commands to an ESP WLED controller and get back WLED status messages but through a wired connection.


There may be some status data on the serial stream (I haven’t explored that beyond the KB), but you could get an ESP32 board such as ETH01 to get hardwired ethernet…

I thought about the ethernet option as well. I think the problem there would be the fact that extra libraries and code would have to be running on the WLED ESP to recognize and use the ethernet port.

There are pre-compiled versions of WLED with the required changes in the standard downloads. Look for “ETH01” in the download names.

Well! Thanks to you, I just placed an order with Aliexpress for 6 ETH01 ESP32s LOL! This is great news, and I wish I had spent more time on this platform to investigate the ethernet option. I did read a thread where someone was able to deploy an ETH01 ESP32, and I’m guessing he used an FTDI to actually flash the chip. So in any case, I’ll go on pause and wait for my shipment from China and give this a shot. Thank you again!

I’ve done it, with 4 eth01 just in case i wanted a wired solution to any sign I make
works a treat, just FTDI it I paid about 2 quid on Aliexpress for mine.
go to https://wled-install.github.io/
and grab one of the ethernet builds for your chip, flash it, join the generic AP , goto wifi settings and at the bottom you have the option of enabling ethernet and what type :slight_smile:

Glad to set you on the path to the light side :sunglasses:

Honestly, devote a few minutes (or more) to perusing/searching the forum.
There’s a raft of valuable info here from a huge band of selfless volunteers :clap: