Wled wt32 ds1820

Has anyone managed to run a WT32-ETH01 with WLED and DS2018. Either my WLED does not start or the DS2018 is not compiled.
I must say that I have mostly only finished versions flahed and do not know if I compel correctly, this is all new territory for me

I have reached the end of my knowledge.
I have tried several times to compile WT32-ETH01 with WLED usermode/temperature.
In the meantime I have shot up 2 of 3 WT32s so that they no longer do anything.
I don’t know where the error is located source code, compiling, incompatibility of the board or just my stupidity.
Can anyone help me please?
You can also reach me under my project related e-mail andres: [my username here] (at) tobien . info

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