0.15.0 lights fading out and then back in

Hey everyone. Been using WLED for a while now, but new to the community.

I just updated my board running out Christmas lights to 0.15.0 a couple of days ago and ever since then the lights periodically fade off for a split second and then back on. Seems to happen around every 2ish minutes, although I’ve not actually watched them long enough to know if it’s consistent or not.

I’ve uploaded a video here where you can see the lights fade out and then back in using the peek feature.

Any ideas if this is a new bug in 0.15.0 or if I’ve configured something wrong?


Pretty sure this is related to a fix/change in 15 that updated how timers/repeat counts/etc tracking in effects was handled. I see it too in that about once a minute, the effect running seems to “fade out” and then restart (one of the fairy light effects). Under 14.x it worked continuously.

From what I’m reading, a change in the effects code broke a few effects and it seems that is being fixed for 15.1.

You can read about a similar report (and think same problem) here:

So for now, prolly either 1) live with it til 15.1 is released, 2) revert to 14.x or look for an try one of the 15.1 beta/nightly builds

Just downloaded the 16.0 Alpha release and confirmed that in the effects I was seeing the periodic “fade out and back on” problem it appears fixed.

That is super helpful to know. Thanks for confirming!

yes, fixed that: BUGFIX for Fairy & Fairytwinkle FX by DedeHai · Pull Request #4407 · Aircoookie/WLED · GitHub

Thanks for fixing that!