2 led tape

Configured in the settings 2 tapes 1-address 2 normal.
there is no separate switch for each tape!
how to manage them separately?

  1. ws281ХХ pin2 2) PWM White pin13

Use 0.13-b4 and you should have an option in LED settings to create segment for each strip.
If you don’t want to use beta version just create 2 segments and save as preset.

Yes, that’s how it works! thanks a lot!
But I noticed such a feature if the master switch is turned off, then the segments cannot be controlled! and if it is always on, then the relay is activated and supplies power to the tape!
(It would be nice if there was no general switch and the relay turned off only if all segments were turned off!)
I use 0.13-b4

you can achieve that using MultiRelay usermod (with external relay) and specially crafted JSON presets

segment 1 off, relay 0 off: {"seg":{"id":0,"bri":0},"MultiRelay":{"relay":0,"on":false}}

BTW, you will temporarily need my fork until changes are merged to master.

thanks! i saw it but can’t find how to install this mod! I will be grateful if you have a description.

there is a readme.md included

I see this file and understand that I need to go usermod_multi_relay.h to folder …/usermods/multi_relay/usermod_multi_relay.h" but not how I can not find how to create this folder! you can only upload a file to edit.

you need to compile wled yourself

now it became clear! Tell me if I do everything then in Homeasisten will a new relay switch appear? or not