20 Segments with own effects?

Hi there,

i finished setting up 804 LEDs running with ESP8266. So far so good.

Now i struggle trying set up segments for all the 12-LED-Ministrips to give them their own effects.
I read that on 8266 only 12 and on ESP32 only 16 are possible. Is this true and is there any way to extend to 20?

You might get an increase with an ESP32.

The 8266 is much more memory/resource limited and is probably not a good choice for this project.

You may also be in the realm of trying to sync multiple ESP32’s.

Thank you divsys,

Unfortunately the ESP32 don’t seems supporting 20 segments. That’s why I asked if this is true, before I buy another device.
Let’s wait if someone has an idea :grinning:
Thank you

Last I recall you can go as high as 32 segments on ESP32 , however there were reports of issues when using a lot of segments even less then 32 so might not be a good idea to push the limit

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ESP8266 supports 16 segments but you will encounter issues and crashes even after adding 8th unless you do not have anything else on the ESP.

ESP32 on the other hand supports 32 segments and it should also have enough RAM to handle them all without issues.

Hey Blazoncek,

Thank you for the numbers. Since ESP32 seems to be the best choice I ordered one. Will show the project in the projects section.

Thank you

Hi Aldiy,

Sounds interesting, will try the edge case with ESP32.

Thank you