Analog Microphone & Analog Potentiometer


Is it possible to use analog mic together with a potentiometer to adjust global brightness?

I use an ESP32 connected to an analog microphone MAX9814 on GPIO 39 (A3). Audio reactive effects work correctly. Additional I connected a potentiometer to GPIO 34 (A0) as button 1 to adjust global brightness (set button action double=250). I also tried potentiometer at GPIO 35 (A1), respecting the documentation:

On ESP32, only ADC1 pins will work for analog input while WiFi is active (pins 32-39). ADC2 pins will not work.

After trying out A0 & A1, without luck :frowning: I recognized that when disabling audio, the potentiometer global brightness works as expected (at least using A0). So, it looks like analog audio via MAX9814 and potentiometer for global brightness can’t be used/activated in parallel together… is this the case?

Is it possible to make analog audio & button hardware/pins work side by side?

Note: I used WLED v0.14.0-b6 “Hoshi” with audio reactive usermod.

As much as I know:

Buttons work normally when using SR versions!

Buttons do, but analog potentiometer to adjust brightness I can’t get to work besides MAX9814 :frowning:

Analog microphone and potentiometer are incompatible in audioreactive usermod.

@blazoncek thank you for verifying this behavior. So I wired everything correctly :slight_smile:

Conclusion: WLED can handle audio or analog buttons but not both at the same time!

For best results you should use I2S microphone.

I already used digital mics and potentiometer successfully together, I can confirm this works.

To finally finish this, please merge this PR into the docs repo: