I cant get BME280 to work with WLED. I am using the BME280 mode. Although the same sensor + esp3 board works fine in esphome with 0x76 address.
setting I am using
I cant get BME280 to work with WLED. I am using the BME280 mode. Although the same sensor + esp3 board works fine in esphome with 0x76 address.
It’s kind of working, but definitely need a fix. Contact original author of usermod.
who is the original author? I went through the code but can’t find any mention of I2C address.WLED/usermod_bme280.cpp at main · Aircoookie/WLED · GitHub
esphome had that option BME280 Temperature+Pressure+Humidity Sensor — ESPHome but for this particular node I need WLED.
Haven’t dug through the code myself, but in my dealings with I2C devices i’d expect it’ll be buried (or hard coded) into “BME280I2C.h”
I noticed there does seem to be a BME280_v2 usermod that does expose the I2C address a little more cleanly.
check closed pull requests
Yes there seems to be a mention of 0x76 address which should work, as it is working on ESPhome
Issue with not being connected to MQTT server.
Enter MQTT broker details and data will start showing up.
Thanks to @srg74 being a genius.